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ETH Zürich announces an open call for in:dépendance

July 11–September 11, 2022

Application deadline: June 11

High up in the furka zone, next to the emblematic Hotel Furkablick, its former dépendance now remaining vacant.

Actually, soon to be an in:dépendance.

An independent space of mind. A place for care and maintenance. Distant from the usual ways of working, teaching, learning and being in the world. It’s a place where time moves at only 33% of its usual pace—Furka is open merely 4 months per year.

When the pass closes, time stands still.

Starting from July 11, 2022, over nine weeks we will establish a permanent presence inside and around the in:dépendence. A transitory but constant presence over the next three summers. To be independent, but together.

Researchers, practitioners, students, teachers, thinkers and more are welcome to reach far above the tree line. To engage with the furka zone beyond what its alpine topography may recall.

We design the format of our presence. The content will follow. Space and infrastructure for a visit, a sojourn, a time-out are provided. All intentions are welcome, no immediate purpose is needed. Whether it is a mathematical equation, a study of plants, a diary of the distortion of your daily routines, a record of sunlight, a randonnée. We will observe, survey, ask what it’s all about—as we don’t know what it’s all about.

eth furka zone
The transit of Furka dates back to Roman times. It connects Canton Uri and Valais and is the place where streams split to the north and to the south. The modern road was built in the 19th century and triggered a new form of alpine tourism. Hotels were built along the pass road. First came Hotel Furka, followed by Hotet Furkablick and their two dépendances. Declining interest in domestic tourism and the harsh climatic conditions in this alpine region led to both hotels having to close their doors. Hotel Furka was soon demolished while Hotel Furkablick was preserved thanks to the interest of the Neuchatel gallerist and editor Marc Hostettler. Between 1983 and 1999, the Furkart experience was established. The artists spent part of the summer working, performing and intervening in the landscape, leaving their marks on the buildings and surroundings. The heritage of the Furkart is now preserved and protected under the new name Furkablick Institute.

The dépendance of the Hotel Furkablick was not part of the Furkart project though. After having briefly hosted a base camp for alpinists, the building was left vacant. The chair of Jan de Vylder will open the doors to the dépendance again and turn it into the in:dépendance. It will be the scenic background for an intriguing investigation over the next three summers. Traces, transits and memories will be collected and shared. Keeping record, observing, learning—for the ones who come next.

Our presence will be the first step towards approaching the site in its plurality and contradictions.

Send us a short proposal and join the in:dépendance 3 to 10 days, individually or as a small group.

For applications and information, reach out to [email protected]

Dépendance Furkablick
Furka Passhöhe
6491 Realp

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