August 24–28, 2022
Brazil is going through a unique period right now: the country is focusing on the creation of its identity, the urgency of the environmental cause, and the historically silenced voices: Black people, women, indigenous people, queer people, and dissident bodies. This is in the year that we celebrate 200 years of independence, 100 years since the 1922 Modern Art Week, and just a month before significant presidential elections.
Rotas Brasileiras (Brazilian Routes), SP–Arte’s revamped August fair, is dedicated to the richness and plurality of Brazilian art, and takes place August 24 through 28, at the industrial venue of ARCA, in São Paulo.
Rotas Brasileiras, which has 70 galleries, embraces the output from the five national regions, putting an emphasis on solo exhibitions and curated projects and investing in the diversity of artistic languages. It’s a fair for finding new artists, bringing back illustrious figures, and enlarging perspectives on local and popular art.
Brazil’s leading galleries such as Nara Roesler, Luisa Strina, Almeida & Dale, Gomide&Co, Millan and Vermelho join edgy young galleries, namely HOA, the first Black-owned gallery in the country, Verve, Sé and Galatea, besides traditional galleries outside the São Paulo-Rio de Janeiro axis, including Paulo Darzé and Marco Zero, and invited projects from the corners of the country to showcase the best of Brazilian production. You can check the exhibitor list here.
Before the fair, topics on race and class, Black photography, and the difficulties of creating a sustainable art climate in Maranho are featured in an intense Talks programme. During the festival’s days, attendees can meet prominent artists like Siron Franco, Alberto Pitta, and Panmela Castro.
Rotas Brasileiras aims to reimagine the boundaries between the learned and the common, the institutional and the commercial, as well as to shed light on the cosmovision of several “Brazils.”
The 19th iteration of SP-main Arte’s exhibition will run from March 29 to April 2 at the Bienal Pavilion in So Paulo.
Av. Manuel Bandeira, 360
Vila Leopoldina
São Paulo-SP