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New York City open call for Student Juror Program at apexart

Courtesy of apexart. Courtesy of apexart.
Courtesy of apexart.

Open call deadline: October 31

Open call for group exhibitions at apexart in New York City: From October 1–31, entries are being accepted for group exhibitions at apexart.

Everybody, everywhere is invited to submit a group exhibition proposal for the apexart open call, which is held twice a year. proposals that are 500 words or less, written in English, and don’t include any photographs, links, videos, or CVs so that the jury can concentrate solely on the idea. The International open call is for exhibitions proposed anywhere in the globe other than NYC, while the New York City open call welcomes suggestions for exhibitions to be held at apexart in New York City.


Using an online crowdsourcing technique, the jury for each open call is made up of about 700 people and arts-related classes from all over the world. In general, 50 anonymous and randomly selected suggestions are up for voting by each judge. Our distinctive selection method produces shows that reflect the tastes and sensitivities of our diverse audiences while giving up-and-coming artists and curators from underrepresented regions a level playing field to compete on.

How you, your class at the university, or your high school can take part
Please get in touch with us at juror [ at ] apexart.org. You can use our lesson plans for the subsequent discussion and define the number of ideas that students must evaluate for credit—usually 20–50—to include your class as an assignment or an elective. About three hours are needed to read and evaluate 50 submissions. In order to rate each juror on a scale of one (uninteresting) to five (I’d want to see it), each juror is given a unique login and password. At the end of the process, there have been 400–500 submissions that have received more than 20,000 votes.

Classroom benefits

Students review proposals for exhibitions that come from all over the world as apexart jurors, and they actually contribute to deciding the exhibition schedule while gaining a practical understanding of the issues involved in evaluating proposals and considering what makes one compelling and another less so. In response to our previous open appeal, 89 nations sent proposals and jurors. Being on the opposite side of the “grading” process helps one better understand the curatorial process and the jury process in general. It also inspires lively discussions in the classroom about what art is, what matters to different people, and what role and purpose art may serve. The range of proposals offers insightful information about the topics, circumstances, history, and concepts that are important in both local and global contexts.

Sign up

If you or the participating students do not want to be added to our mailing list, you can supply us with the names and email addresses of the students for direct email or let us know how many students we should create logins for. By October 1, 2022, you can send this information to Lisa Vagnoni at lisa.vagnoni@apexart.org. On November 4, the day before voting begins, we will send you and your students login credentials, voting instructions, and deadline reminders.


We give you access to a live results page that displays the total number of votes cast by your students, the ratings each student gave each proposal, a copy of the proposal, the order in which the jurors ranked the proposal, and the moment at which each student last signed in.

Educators find that serving on an apexart jury encourages lively discussion about many aspects of curating, writing, and exhibition organization including size, location, purpose, and feasibility. To date, more than 120 classes from universities and art schools have participated, including The New School (New York City), Node Center for Curatorial Studies (Berlin), Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College, de Appel Curatorial Program (Amsterdam), Makere University (Kampala), and MICA (Baltimore).

In recognition of their effort, we offer a free e-book of one of apexart’s relevant and readable publications to all student jurors as well as including their name on a jury list. We offer a letter of confirmation should any student or juror wish one.

291 Church Street
New York, NY 10013
Hours: Tuesday–Saturday 1–6pm

T +1 212 431 5270

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