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Maria Toumazou, Artist's Collection, 2022. Photo: Maria Toumazou. Courtesy of the artist.

Grazer Kunstverein presents Maria Toumazou: RHYTHM, CITIZEN

September 24–December 11, 2022 Opening: September 23, 6–9pm Borrowed: September 24, 5–6pm, book launch EXHAUST: September 24, 9–10pm, concert Café Wolf, Annenstraße 18, Graz “It all started with a swinging bell,” she said. “I want the bell to crack.” Sign and time are announced when a bell is struck. To celebrate life in Old Town, to hide or worship, to fire employees and start over,…

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Courtesy of TAXISPALAIS Kunsthalle Tirol.

TAXISPALAIS Kunsthalle Tirol presents STORIES OF TIME

July 30–November 6, 2022 Opening: July 29, 2022,7pm STORIES OF TIME, the third and final installment of TAXISPALAIS' exhibition trilogy addressing the Western paradigm dilemma (WITCHES/GODDESSES), will look at how humans could challenge the linearity and development that is a key tenet of Western thought. Through concepts like the avant-garde and various institutional kinds, like the museum…

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Photo: Ruud Scheerens.

Open call for Tbilisi Architecture Biennial 2022: What’s Next?

October 8–29, 2022 Submission deadlines: June 19, 30, 11:59pm The third edition of the Tbilisi Architecture Biennial TAB 2022's new topic inquiry focuses on the concept of temporality in urban and social life. The concept of temporality is offered as an intersection of several conditional circumstances, using Georgia's recent past as an example. The approach is centered…

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