The show “David Yarrow” is on display at Camera Work Gallery. The exhibition features a diverse collection of works, some of which have never been seen before, and provides an insight into this photographer’s creative process. Camera Work is the sole agent for David Yarrow. It’s the artist’s first significant show in the country.
The Scotsman’s somber animal photographs, born in 1966, are recognizable and an overwhelming documentation of our planet’s enchanting beauty, to which the photographer is strongly committed. Yarrow’s passion for telling stories is also translated into wonderfully staged productions, on which he collaborates with a slew of celebrities.
“Working so closely with David and his team to achieve his vision and capture these magnificent creatures in all their glory was something I will never forget. I loved being just another character in his story.”
Cindy Crawford (supermodel & art collector)
David Yarrow
Until August 6th, 2022
Camera Work AG
Kantstraße 149
10623 Berlin, Germany