Walker Art Center presents Sarah Michelson: /\ March 2020 (4pb) from January 19 to April 23, 2023.
For nearly two decades, the Walker has maintained a close association with New York-based choreographer Sarah Michelson (UK, b. 1964), whose performances have been presented here onstage and at various locations across campus, both indoors and outdoors. Michelson has been creating dances she refers to as “‘studio work,’ to look at and be with, made in this time for this time—an attempt to stay fresh and work hard, yet invite no celebration, no opinion, no success” since the early 1990s. Her performances have sought to elucidate the nature of dancing as an art form as well as physical, intellectual, and emotional labor.
Michelson’s earlier Walker performances include the commissioned works Daylight (for Minneapolis) (2005), Devotion (2011), and tournamento (2015), as well as October2018/ (2018), which is part of a series that includes the new work exhibited in this exhibition. /\ March 2020 (4pb) (2020), built for a gallery space and developed expressly for the Walker, is the artist’s first object-based work. This show commemorates the debut of the new installation, which is now part of the Walker’s collection and Michelson’s first museum purchase to date.
Curatorial team: Pavel Pyś, curator, Visual Arts; and Philip Bither, McGuire Director and Senior Curator, Performing Arts
Walker Art Center
725 Vineland Place
Minneapolis, MN 55403
United States
Hours: Wednesday–Sunday 11am–5pm,
Thursday 11am–9pm
T +1 612 375 7600