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Kunstinstituut Melly Unveils Ambitious Autumn/Winter Program 2024 with Group and Solo Exhibitions
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Kunstinstituut Melly Unveils Ambitious Autumn/Winter Program 2024 with Group and Solo Exhibitions

Kunstinstituut Melly launches its autumn/winter 2024 season under new director Gabi Ngcobo, featuring solo and group exhibitions exploring freedom, identity, and history.
Kunstinstituut Melly Unveils Ambitious Autumn/Winter Program 2024 with Group and Solo Exhibitions Kunstinstituut Melly Unveils Ambitious Autumn/Winter Program 2024 with Group and Solo Exhibitions
Liz Johnson Artur, Untitled, 2024. Courtesy of the artist.

Autumn/winter program
A group exhibition and five solo exhibitions
September 20, 2024–April 27, 2025

Kunstinstituut Melly in Rotterdam is set to open its autumn/winter program on September 20, 2024, marking an important new chapter under the leadership of its new director, Gabi Ngcobo. This fresh season of exhibitions and programming brings together a blend of group and solo exhibitions that explore various themes ranging from social justice to personal identity, spirituality, and historical memory.

The fall/winter lineup showcases a total of five solo exhibitions alongside the group show Pickup Notes, featuring artists Liz Johnson Artur, Madiha Sikander, and Zara Julius. These exhibits set the tone for Kunstinstituut Melly’s evolving mission, grounded in Gabi Ngcobo’s innovative approach, which embraces improvisation and freedom as guiding concepts.


Exploring Freedom and Collaboration in Art

Gabi Ngcobo’s directorial vision emphasizes improvisation and freedom, with the exhibition programs designed to provoke thought and dialogue around these themes. Pickup Notes, the group exhibition, draws on musical metaphors, with the title referencing the introductory notes in a piece of music that set the tone for what follows. The three featured artists—Liz Johnson Artur, Madiha Sikander, and Zara Julius—use a variety of media, including photography, sculpture, and video, to reflect on their experiences and the broader social and cultural contexts in which they work.

Liz Johnson Artur, known for her Black Balloon Archive, contributes cyanotype prints that explore global Black identities. Madiha Sikander presents Majmua, an intricate large-scale curtain installation, while Zara Julius’ video Maroon Time delves into the legacies of resistance and movement in the African diaspora.

Solo Presentations: Connecting Everyday Life with Broader Themes

First Double 1 & 2 serves as an umbrella for five solo exhibitions by Cihad Caner, Jabu Arnell, Luana Vitra, Nolan Oswald Dennis, and Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide). This portion of the program takes inspiration from a South African collaborative album, drawing connections between everyday activities and larger socio-political themes.

Cihad Caner reflects on historical memory, specifically the 1972 riots in Afrikaanderwijk, Rotterdam, in his piece guest, host, ghos-ti.

Jabu Arnell explores Black identity and transformation through Turn off the Lights: Disco Ball #13, A Kind of Black, addressing the intersections of culture and personal experience.

Luana Vitra’s work, The beads of my rosary are artillery bullets, is a provocative examination of conflict and spirituality through artistic expression.

Nolan Oswald Dennis presents geo-logics, where he explores the intersections of land and political identity, creating spaces for dialogue about decolonization.

Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide) focuses on recollecting fragmented histories in her work Dismemberment, a critical reflection on colonial violence and memory.

Cultural Engagement and Education

In addition to the exhibitions, the autumn/winter season at Kunstinstituut Melly features a variety of educational programs and initiatives. This includes the sixth edition of Collective Learning in Practice (CLiP), which is designed to foster dialogue among artists, educators, and the public. As part of its ongoing community engagement efforts, the institution will partner with Hiphophuis, an influential cultural hub in Rotterdam, to transform the ground-floor convening space and bookshop into a more dynamic, creative area for public interaction.

Support for Artistic Development

Kunstinstituut Melly’s autumn/winter program highlights the institution’s commitment to supporting the next generation of contemporary artists. Key support for the season’s programming comes from organizations like the Hartwig Foundation, Ammodo, and Droom en Daad, which have enabled the creation of new commissions and solo exhibitions. The solo exhibitions of Jabu Arnell, Luana Vitra, and Nolan Oswald Dennis are all supported by the Hartwig Art Production Fund, furthering the institution’s mission to foster artistic innovation and cultural exchange.

A New Direction for Kunstinstituut Melly

Under Gabi Ngcobo’s leadership, Kunstinstituut Melly is embracing a bold and dynamic approach to contemporary art. The autumn/winter program exemplifies this shift, with exhibitions that challenge the status quo, promote cultural dialogue, and expand the boundaries of artistic expression. As the institution continues to grow and evolve, this season promises to be a significant milestone in its journey.

Kunstinstituut Melly
Witte de Withstraat 50
3012 BR Rotterdam
The Netherlands

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