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Exploring Cosmic Questions: Insights from DAI Roaming Academy’s 38 Conversation-in-a-Form

Artists and curators explore cosmic questions and societal norms at DAI Roaming Academy’s 38 Conversation-in-a-Form, delving into gravity, dark energy, and future realities.
Exploring Cosmic Questions: Insights from DAI Roaming Academy’s 38 Conversation-in-a-Form Exploring Cosmic Questions: Insights from DAI Roaming Academy’s 38 Conversation-in-a-Form
Generation 2022–24. Photo: Nikos Doulos & found footage.

AEROPONIC ACTS 2024: Chameleon Orbit
August 1–4, 2024, 10am

The DAI Roaming Academy hosted its thought-provoking event, “38 Conversation-in-a-Form,” from August 1 to 4, inviting a diverse group of artists and curators to explore complex cosmic themes. The event, curated by Elisa Giuliano and Giulia Crispiani, and convened by Gabriëlle Schleijpen, unfolded through a series of intriguing questions aimed at expanding our understanding of the universe.

The central question, “How many stars can a galaxy form in a day?” set the tone for a series of discussions about gravity, dark energy, and the interconnectedness of cosmic bodies. The conversations suggested that particles in orbit might touch and rotate, reflecting our collective existence and interactions.

Anastasia Nefedova posed a compelling question on August 1: “What will disappear when we arrive?” This initiated a dialogue about presence and absence in cosmic terms. Baoxin Liao questioned, “Why are you out wandering the streets in the middle of the night? Are you sure you will not marry? Even for a visa?” raising issues of societal norms and personal freedom. Francesca Pionati asked, “How do we reconstruct after what we know has been destroyed?” addressing the reconstruction of cosmic and earthly realms.

On August 2, Celeste Perret’s question, “What are the clogs of ‘our’ complot?” invited participants to examine the hidden mechanisms behind collective actions. Cristina Ramos González’s inquiry, “Why did you unbury me out of the sea?” metaphorically explored the emergence of hidden truths. Gloria Sogl’s reflection, “What weave if remembrance is the woof and forgetting the warp?” highlighted the interplay between memory and forgetfulness in shaping our cosmic narrative.

The discussions continued on August 3, with Astrée Duval asking, “How to pull an eclipse?” which opened a discourse on manipulating natural phenomena. Julia von Schantz’s profound question, “If the voice in my head is me, who is the one listening?” delved into the nature of consciousness and self-perception.

The final day, August 4, featured Ania Yilmaz’s artistic inquiry, “What can I ask from/to a painting?” Clara von Schantz reiterated, “If the voice in my head is me, who is the one listening?” emphasizing the ongoing exploration of identity and perception. Claudia Medeiros asked, “What representatives would you wish for if you were a rock?” engaging with the concept of representation across different forms of existence.

Guest respondents, including Ramon Amaro, Inti Guerrero, and Antonia Majaca, contributed their perspectives, seamlessly integrating with the ongoing inquiries. The event’s production was supported by Barbara Boninsegna and Dino Sommadossi of Centrale Fies, with a written report by Bethany Crawford and documentation by Baha Görkem Yalim.

Overall, the 38 Conversation-in-a-Form event fostered a rich dialogue on cosmic phenomena, societal norms, and the reconstruction of realities, leaving participants with new insights and questions to ponder.

Centrale Fies
via Gramsci 13
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