November 8–9, 2022, 10am
The Palestinian Museum (PM) has begun its first research program as part of its 2019–2023 program strategy. It consists of a public program of book releases, literary events, symposiums, panel discussions, podcasts, workshops, tours, and movie screenings as well as an annual conference focused on exhibitions and original publications showcasing the PM’s discursive and intellectual achievements.
In addition to developing and distributing knowledge about Palestine, the research program seeks to close knowledge gaps about Palestinian history and culture.
The fourth annual conference of the Palestinian Museum will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 8 and 9, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Birzeit University’s Said Khoury Building for Development Studies, Conference Hall 104.
The research grants projects developed in response to the Museum’s open call for study, which were generously supported by Ghalia and Omar Qattan, will be unveiled at the conference. The study included four topics with the goal of filling in knowledge gaps about Palestinian culture and elaborating on the themes of the Museum’s yearly shows. As follows:
History of Art in Palestine and its Discourses from the Nineteenth Century until the 1990s
This strategic endeavor entails looking for fresh approaches and viewpoints on the development of Palestinian art. The initiative displays a strong link to the historiography of art in Palestine and the Diaspora.
The Palestinian Coast: From the End of the Ottoman Period to the Present
This project concentrates on the material, economical, political, and settler-colonial contexts to further and strengthen qualitative research on the history of the Palestinian coast. The current exhibition A People by the Sea: Narratives of the Palestinian Coast, which runs from September 19, 2021, to May 31, 2023, is accompanied by this research.
The History of Printing in Jerusalem
In conjunction with the 2020–2021 exhibition: This initiative, which was printed in Jerusalem’s Mustamloun, emphasized the physical, economical, and political circumstances of this history.
New Perspectives on Contemporary Palestinian Culture
Through an emphasis on its modernity and culture, this initiative seeks to strengthen and advance critical qualitative research on contemporary Palestinian culture.
Rania Jawad; Kirsten Scheid; Ahmad Amara; Abbad Yahya; Nadi Abusaada; Jamal Nabulsi; Leila Abdelrazaq; Adey Almohsen; Ahmad Asaad, Clarissa Fonseca; Khai’laa’ Jumaa; Saleem Zoughbi; Faten Mitwasi; Laura Tibi; Sary Zananiri; and Olga Nefadova
Birzeit University
Said Khoury Building for Development Studies
Conference Hall 104