Call for applications to ISEA 2023: SYMBIOSIS

Paris - The ISEA2023 SYMBIOSIS will be held in Paris, France, from May 16 to 21, 2023.

Imprimer la Lumière. Collaboration between Soft Matters-Ensadlab/ENSAD and CITA/ Royal Danish Aacademy. © Guro Tyse. ISEA2023 SYMBIOSIS

The ISEA2023 SYMBIOSIS will be held in Paris, France, from May 16 to 21, 2023.

ISEA is a big worldwide digital creativity event. The event is hosted in a different country each year. This multidisciplinary conference brings together key players in digital arts, design, research, and the culture and creative industries (CCI), resulting in enormous creative advancement.

Artists, designers, collectives, networks, innovators, engineers, researchers, and academics can still submit suggestions.

Please submit your application in one of the following categories: short and long papers, panels and round tables, posters and demonstrations, institutional presentations, artist talks and works in progress, workshops and tutorials.

We anticipate around 2000 worldwide makers, scholars, and innovators, as well as over 100,000 visitors. ISEA2023, in collaboration with players from 60 participating nations, will provide international awareness to digital ecosystems around the world, particularly the French scene. The event also aims to create public knowledge of new kinds of digital production and the contemporary societal concerns they address.

SYMBIOSIS is a concept that allows us to investigate the metamorphoses that are taking place and create possible futures in an era of global crisis—ecologic and economic; sanitary and sociopolitical. This symposium provides an incubator for artists, designers, scientists, and other intellectuals to interact and debate process and practice while showcasing new work.

SYMBIOSIS is a fundamental tenet of existence; no creature, much alone species, could thrive in isolation and without reciprocity. This applies equally to human civilizations as it does to their interactions with their surroundings. Symbiosis involves interdependence rather than just coexistence. It might be favorable, neutral, or negative depending on the dynamics of the rapport’s accompanying aspects. We must then exercise caution in selecting our symbiotic models. This is the conference’s overarching goal this year.

ISEA2023 Paris is co-organized by Le Cube, a pioneering digital arts center since 2001, and L’École des Arts Décoratifs Paris (ENSAD), which is in charge of the academic program. The Symposium will be held at the Forum des Images as well as partner institutions. The French Ministry of Culture, la MAIF, the ANR—French National Research Agency, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, and Elektra, among others, are supporting ISEA2023.

ISEA International organizes the series of ISEA symposia. ISEA International (formerly Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts) is an international non-profit organization that fosters interdisciplinary academic discourse and exchange among culturally diverse organizations and individuals working with art, science, and technology. It was founded in the Netherlands in 1990. The University for the Creative Arts provides funding to the International Headquarters of ISEA (UK).

Deadline for the call : December 9, 2022. Apply here.  

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