Call for Applications: Architectural Association Visiting School – Rio de Janeiro 2023

Rio de Janeiro - Applications are being accepted for Rio de Janeiro 2023 by The Architectural Association Visiting School.

Architectural Association Visiting School Rio de Janeiro

Applications are being accepted for Rio de Janeiro 2023 by The Architectural Association Visiting School.

The summer course Architectural Association Visiting School (AAVS) Rio de Janeiro, which will be taught in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from July 20-29, 2023, is now accepting applications.

The course investigates tectonics in Rio de Janeiro’s tropical, post-colonial, and urban contexts. The cobogó, an architectural element that is a concrete reflection of the ongoing struggle of sharing space and the production of subjectivity, will be the emphasis this year.

We shall begin with lectures on Rio de Janeiro’s history and architecture. This will be informed by specialist seminars on plaster casting, discussions about construction ideas and techniques, and speeches by prominent architects. Students will be divided into small groups and will work together. Individual tutoring and presentation evaluations will supplement group work. The workshop will culminate in the design, manufacture, and assembly of 1:1 cobogó pieces cast in plaster and displayed to the public at Instituto Inclusartiz, a famous art gallery in Rio de Janeiro’s historic center and AAVS Rio sponsor in 2023.

All architecture, design, and art students, PhD candidates, and young professionals are welcome to attend. Adobe Creative Suite and CAD are required software. The AA Visiting School costs £695 per participant, which includes a £60 Visiting Membership charge that must be paid by all participants. The workshop fee includes tutorials, lectures, site visits, and plaster casting materials. Students must use laptop computers, digital equipment, cameras, and sketching tools.

Architectural Association Visiting School

36 Bedford Square,
London WC1B 3ES,
United Kingdom

programme website

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